General IT

Multi Factor Authentication

Multi Factor Authentication is Essential for Your Business

Hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities to exploit, and it's becoming increasingly challenging to keep sensitive information safe. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a cybersecurity solution that can significantly enhance a business's security posture. In this article, we'll explore why multi-factor authentication is essential for your business's security, and how it can help protect against potential cyber threats. Stronger Password Protection MFA is a security protocol that requires users to provide two or more forms of identification to access an account. This type [...]

IT help technical support

10 Common Situations Requiring Support From the IT Help Desk

10 Common Situations Requiring Support From the IT Help Desk When companies focus on customer and employee IT help desk assistance, they can enhance revenues by 4 to 8 percent? Our world is constantly changing technology! An IT help desk is the first place employees and clients can get help. The help desk comes to the rescue when employees and customers require assistance with any IT issues encountered. As an IT support firm, we are accustomed to resolving common IT help desk problems and offering [...]

California business

How IT Services Help California Business Owners Succeed

Projections show that the global IT services market will reach a size of $2.56 trillion by 2030. If you own a California business, you probably already know that there's a lot of work involved. Trying to keep on top of everything isn't easy, so sometimes you might benefit from outsourcing work. One of the hardest things to manage within a business is IT systems, so this is likely one of the elements you want to have taken care of by an [...]

System Control Center Woman working in Technical Support.

Debunking the Most Common Myths About Managed Services Providers

Debunking the most common myths about MSP's In this guide, we will be debunking common myths about MSP's. The global managed services market reached $215.14 billion in 2020. The market could grow by a CAGR of 12.7% by 2028. More businesses are recognizing the benefits of hiring managed services providers. Despite this growth, there's still a lot of hearsay about the IT industry. Here are nine common myths you'll want to avoid. After reading this guide, you'll know the truth about managed IT [...]

Cloud Solutions

What Questions Should I Ask Before Hiring a Managed IT Company?

Great technology is paramount if you want to run your business operations in the smoothest and most effective ways. But as the owner of a small or medium-sized company, you might find it hard to handle your ever-changing and demanding IT requirements. That's why you should consider working with a managed IT company. A quick Google search for "managed IT services" will show you right away that there are countless outsourced IT companies out there. So, how can you pick [...]

Network Engineer Administrator Checking Server
Network Engineer Administrator Checking Server

How to Choose an IT Support Company in Anaheim

It’s 2021, and companies with elaborate IT setups have a huge competitive advantage over their rivals. Most medium and small businesses in Anaheim may not have the financial capability to have a comprehensive in-house IT department. These companies outsource their IT needs to an IT support company, or a managed IT service provider. Finding the best IT support company in Anaheim is easier said than done because you have to pick a single company from a plethora of choices. Sometimes, [...]

Small business IT support services

Why Your Small Business Needs IT Support Services

Even small businesses can benefit from IT support services. Find out what you could get when investing in IT support today. Global cybercrime could inflict $6 trillion in damages by this year. That amount could rise to $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Meanwhile, about 70% of consumers feel businesses aren't doing enough to secure their personal information. Hackers are getting smarter and more resilient. Meanwhile, you still have day-to-day IT issues to worry about. With IT support services, you won't have to [...]

IT Support Services, IT Support in Orange County

Guide to IT Support Services for Southern California Businesses

A guide to IT Support Services for Southern California Businesses Discover what is generally included in IT support services in California as well as what to look for when choosing an IT support company. Keyword(s): IT Support Are your company's systems secure? Over 40% of all cyberattacks target small businesses. Without the proper security protocols in place, your company could fall victim to hackers. Hackers can steal customer information like names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit cards. With IT support services, you can keep your [...]

Outlook Signature Problem

We have gotten a few phone calls and emails asking about a problem that has been driving people mad. After opening outlook and then going to options --> mail and then clicking on the signatures button, outlook would crash. The version of office varied from office 2010 to office 2016. This one was a tough one. We tried upgrading to a newer version of office, making sure office was updated, various registry hacks, loggin in as another user - but [...]